Warning: Declaration of WarpMenuWalker::start_lvl(&$output, $depth) should be compatible with Walker_Nav_Menu::start_lvl(&$output, $depth = 0, $args = NULL) in /home/www/jungletech.co.za/wp-content/themes/yoo_inspire_wp/warp/systems/wordpress/helpers/system.php on line 593

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Inspire Theme » Slideset


The Widgetkit Slideset takes your product showcase to the next level. It provides a sleek way to show multiple sets of items and uses smooth effects while looping through them.


  • Clean and very lightweight code
  • Eye-catching transition effects
  • Support of named custom sets
  • Swipe navigation on mobile phones
  • Built with HTML5, CSS3, PHP 5.2+, and the latest jQuery version
  • Works with Joomla and WordPress

Slide Example

The sets are auto generated (4 items per set), item names are shown and it uses the slide effect and navigation buttons.

[widgetkit id=513]

Zoom Example

The sets are arranged manually, the sets names are used as navigation and it uses the zoom effect.

[widgetkit id=512]

Drops Example

The sets show the item names and it uses the drops effect and navigation buttons.

[widgetkit id=556]

Deck Example

This auto generated sets uses prev/next buttons as navigation and the deck effect.

[widgetkit id=529]

How To Use

The Widgetkit Slideset takes full advantage of the very user-friendly Widgetkit administration user interface. You can create and manage all the slidesets and their different items in one place. After you have created a slideset you can load it anywhere on your website using shortcodes or the universal Widgetkit Joomla module or WordPress widget.